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Labour weekend is the time to sort out the garden for the upcoming season. Make the most of this chance to dispose of your pest plants for free. A bin will be available to dispose of pest plants from the list provided and various tools and garden bags are available at the OME Eco-Hub to borrow on the day. Please take great care not to spread seeds and/or plant material on your way to the bin. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more up to date information. Remember to join the Aotea High Risk Weeds Project on iNaturalist to report your findings.

  • Date:27/10/2024 01:00 PM - 26/10/2024 03:00 PM
  • Location The OME Eco-Hub, 562 Medland Road (Map)
  • More Info:562 Medland Road Great Barrier Island Auckland 0991
