We are so excited to be hearing and seeing kākāriki in Medlands. One individual spent hours in the community gardens recently, munching on calendula seeds. Mustard seeds were also quite the favourite a few months ago.
We are so excited to be hearing and seeing kākāriki in Medlands. One individual spent hours in the community gardens recently, munching on calendula seeds. Mustard seeds were also quite the favourite a few months ago.
Moth plant is found in the most impossible places on Aotea. The seed pods look a bit like a choko and contain 250-1000 dandelion-like fluffy seeds that can parachute over large distances in the wind. Moth plant is a pest plant all across NZ and it even has its own active volunteer group called S.T.A.M.P(Society Totally Against Moth Plant) who will remove any moth plant they come across. You can join their Facebook group to help out. For more information go to https://www.weedbusters.org.nz/what-are-weeds/weed-list/mothplant/